Take the first step!
Although the method I will use to discuss this in this blog may seem slow, it is the most efficient one. I used this approach and had amazing success in terms of memorizing the ideas.
Get your basics correct
What do I mean by getting your basics correct? What I mean is, to learn about the basics of React from its documentation or variable channels on YouTube. Try to understand them thoroughly and clearly.
The NEXT step
Now that you are thorough with the basics of React, pick a basic project from YouTube that covers the concepts of ReactJs. Even if the project focuses on one or two concepts, pick them and try coding them. Repeat the same process for learning the other concepts in the same manner.
Pick the project focusing on a concept
Try doing the project.
Progressive State
Now that you have picked a project, you are bound to face difficulties in some or the other concepts or a specific line of code. Google/ ChatGPT your doubts!! Once you find the answer to your doubts- Document them!
I would recommend tweeting about that concept. This way you will be giving good content to the community as well as you will have a document of these concepts for future reference.
The LAST step
Continue doing projects and progressively increase the level of the project and follow these steps
Google your doubts
Document the doubts for your future reference
Lastly, repeat these steps because Repetition is the mother of all learning .